Friday, January 3, 2020

On The Wrong Side, In So Many Ways

By Miss Kubelik

Here are two examples of politicians who have been proven in the last week to be worthless pieces of shit — for different reasons.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Australia is a huge champion of coal. If he's not an out-and-out climate change denier, he's a climate-change soft-pedaler. Either way, he's getting roasted by the Australian press (and the occasional Australian fire victim) for his hapless, ham-handed and mind-boggling response to the Armageddon his country is enduring.

(And let's take note of the fact that the Liberal Party in Australia is, despite its name, center-right. Morrison is a Liberal, but he's not a lefty. Remember, he's Donald Trump's new best friend.)

Meanwhile, here in the Empire State, Republican state Assemblyman Brian Kolb has announced he is stepping down from his leadership role in the New York Assembly Minority Conference.

Why? Because on Christmas Eve, Assemblyman Kolb published an op-ed, counseling New Yorkers against drinking and driving. Then, on New Year's Eve, Assemblyman Kolb was arrested in the town of Victor, near Rochester, for DWI.

Personally, as New York taxpayers we cats are most upset that Kolb crashed a state-issued car in his drunken mishap. We couldn't care less whether he was hurt or, at the very least, embarrassed. But how dare he misuse the resources we taxpayers provide him? Kolb deserves to have the book — or an entire library of books — thrown at him.

Bottom line: Whether right-wing politicians are refusing to acknowledge science — or lecturing other people on behavior that they themselves are guilty of — those politicians need to take a hike, big time. Actually, if they shot themselves, the world would be a better place.

New York Republicans have booted Kolb from his leadership position. (And maybe from his state assembly seat? — we'll see.) In the meantime, we wait eagerly to see what Australian voters have in store for Scott Morrison. We suspect it won't be pretty. That would make us cats PURR.

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