Saturday, January 18, 2020

Coming Through In The Clutch

By Zamboni

Here in the US, our government is in a shambles. But in Canada, they have reason to be proud.

First, in the immediate aftermath of the crash of flight 752, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rose to the occasion as consoler-in-chief. In measured, compassionate terms, he expressed his nation's outrage and sympathy for the families affected — without drama. His approach also gave Iran the room it needed to admit its culpability (no small thing).

Since then, Trudeau has pledged $25,000 per victim, per family, in support from the government of Canada. He's made it clear that Iran is on the hook for this money. But in the meantime, families have expenses to cover, like travel and funeral arrangements. Ottawa has their backs. This is good.

Meanwhile, Newfoundland today is getting hammered with an epic snow event. Trudeau has mobilized the Canadian Armed Forces to help with storm relief. (Take it from us, if you had snow piled up to the second floor of your house, you'd want some help digging out, too.)

Kinda obvious that liberal governments respond best to the needs of citizens — as opposed to conservative governments, who believe that it's every man for himself. And yes, we mean "man." We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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