Thursday, January 23, 2020

Back To Bloomberg

By Zamboni

Well, here we are again! There's much drama underway in the US Senate right now, but we cats keep getting pulled into the wild and wonderful world of Michael Bloomberg. He's not even a candidate in the Iowa caucuses, but we're intrigued by the long game he's playing.

His strategy is fascinating: Play hard on social media, be ubiquitous, tout your success, create a slogan that will fit on a cap, and spend, spend, spend — even if it's not on yourself. In other words, if he doesn't get the Democratic nomination, he'll still bankroll our ticket and other Democratic candidates across the country come November.

So being curious cats, we're interested. Thanks to the size of Bloomberg's checkbook (is that why the ever-insecure Trump insists on calling him "Mini"-Mike?), he's rewriting the script for late entrants in the field. His Super Tuesday plan means that other candidates will get legs up on him between now and March 3. But being willing to spend $2 billion (which he doesn't have to raise because he already has it) means that Bloomberg won't go away.

Right now, the only flaw we see is that in a tight election, Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada will matter — and Bloomberg isn't yet building anything in those states. We assume he'll go in after the early contests and not just leave those 16 total electoral votes on the table. Add South Carolina, too, Mike — if you want to help Jaime Harrison get the Senate's biggest fool out of office. We cats PURR.

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