Thursday, January 2, 2020

Do One Thing.

By Zamboni

The news from Australia continues to be horrifying and depressing, filling us with dread for 2020. The brutal bushfires there are just the world's latest climate-change-related disaster, and the details we cats are reading will haunt us for the rest of our nine lives. We won't share because believe us, you don't want to know.

With Armageddon on the horizon and so many autocrats, polluters and just plain jackasses in charge across the globe — in Australia, the US, the UK, Russia, Poland, Hungary, North Korea, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, China, India, Brazil* — a lot of us feel sad and helpless. What can any one of us do to stop this horrible destruction?

Well, we can all do one thing. The New Year is only two days old, so pick one and run with it.
  • Don't fly to that next business trip. Skype instead.
  • Take mass transit, carpool, or ride your bike to work. If you can't do that, start by not driving to work (or anywhere) for just one day a week. Then build from there.
  • Eat less red meat and dairy. The poultry industry has a lower carbon footprint. So eat chicken.
  • Turn off appliances and electronics when you're not using them.
  • Join a local renewable energy co-op.
  • Click here for more ideas.
Most of all, it's an election year in the US. To help save the planet, we need Democrats to win the Presidency and the Senate and keep the House. Here are a few marching orders:
  • Look up registration deadlines in your state and help get everyone you know who's worried about climate (and everything else) to register and vote.
  • If you live in a red state, monitor your own voter registration on a regular basis to ensure you haven't been purged. (Take this seriously. The Republicans will do it if they can.)
  • Check the dates of every election in 2020 — not just the Presidential race, but races for local and state offices, where much climate action can take place.
  • If you live a a swing House district or in a state with a vulnerable Republican Senator, pick a campaign and volunteer to raise money, organize rallies, knock on doors and get out the vote.
Yes, the news is wildly depressing. But taking action makes you feel better. Let's get going! We cats PURR.

*We'd add Israel to this list, but nobody's in charge there.

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