Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Dial For Democracy

By Sniffles

Social media is such a disaster in so many ways that we cats are always delighted when we come across it being constructive and helpful.

As in: Why not share the direct Capitol Hill phone numbers of Republican Senators who are either endangered, retiring, ambitious, or alleged to be on the verge of having some balls about Trump?

(Yes, we know that last category is a little far-fetched. Anyone waiting for Mitt Romney to grow a pair and do the right thing will be... well, the name "Godot" comes to mind.)

But still, it's useful. If you saw how Mitch McConnell folded on his Senate trial rules after his caucus meeting today, you have to assume that the GOP Senators who ate his lunch must have felt some heat.

Here's the key, though: They felt it from their constituents. In New York, we already know that Senators Schumer and Gillibrand will hold Trump accountable for his crimes. But it's silly for us to express ourselves to the Murkowskis and McSallys and Gardners of the world. Those Senators don't give a rat's behind what we think, because we aren't registered to vote in their states.

So, team, here's the list that's going around. If one of these Senators is yours, please call and demand witnesses and documents. We cats PURR.

Alexander 202-224-4944
Burr 202-224-3154
Collins 202-224-2523
Enzo 202-224-3424
Ernst 202-224-3254
Gardner 202-224-5941
Grassley 202-224-3744
McSally 202-224-2235
Murkowski 202-224-6665
Romney 202-224-5251
Sasse 202-224-4224
Tillis 202-224-6342

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