Friday, January 10, 2020

The Max Cleland Treatment Hits A Wall

By Hubie and Bertie

We all know that Benedict Donald's M.O. is to never, ever apologize. Apologies show you are weak. Worthless. Unmanly. So why has Congressman Doug Collins suddenly apologized for saying that Democrats are "in love with terrorists"?

Is it because Preet Bharara shamed him with an exquisite opinion piece on Or was it that devastating tweet from veteran and Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), about leaving body parts behind in Iraq?

You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? But, nah. Although we've seen no news reports or political gossip to confirm this, we cats are sure that Collins did a quick poll in his district — Georgia's Ninth — and realized that his constituents were throwing up all over him.

We also found Collins's apology lacking. He simply had to qualify it with a reference to carnage he saw when he served in Iraq, didn't he? Of course, unlike Senator Duckworth, Collins returned home with both his legs. And his party recently made headlines by telling Congresswoman Ilhan Omar that she didn't deserve to say that she suffered from PTSD. (Yes, GOP, you don't have to have worn a uniform to experience it.)

It is all revolting. But for the execrable Mr. Collins, here's the bottom line: In the last 48 hours, he has managed to be more offensive, more despicable, more disgusting than even Matt Gaetz — who at least had the decency to vote in favor of the War Powers Resolution.

You realize what that means? That's like trying to be a worst President than Trump. We cats are wildly impressed with Collins's dubious accomplishment, but we still HISS.

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