Monday, May 4, 2020

American Carnage, Indeed.

By Baxter

We cats hit a wall today, furious about the new estimates of coronavirus-related deaths. We don't understand why 135,000 people have to die by this August because 62 million Americans were stupid enough to vote for Donald Trump in 2016.

And of course there will be many more than a "mere" 135,000 checking out, because this virus will be with us for a long time and people are dying (and have died) without being diagnosed. We shudder to think what the true number will be.

But at least it's not just a scourge of the blue states, like Trump and his merry band of ghouls have tried to claim. After hitting New York, New Jersey and Connecticut hard, COVID-19 is spreading into cities and counties that Trump carried in North Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan. And in addition to the health and economic chaos it's causing, it's also shaking up the political world.

As we all know, last week Trump ripped his campaign manager a new one for showing him polls that had him losing to Joe Biden in the key battleground states. And that's only part of the story: The GOP-controlled Senate's in danger, too. Arizona, Colorado and Maine are slipping through Mitch McConnell's fingers. North Carolina might not be far behind. And now comes news that even Kansas and Iowa could lose their Republican seats. Gosh!

Yes, it's May, and the election isn't until November. But we're not seeing the Trumpsters able to stop either the coronavirus or the economic catastrophe that America is plunging into. So these numbers have a chance to get irrevocably baked in. If American voters — that is, the ones who are still alive in the fall — are as angry as we are today, they'll send Trump and his vile GOP enablers packing, for years to come. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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