Sunday, May 17, 2020

Things We're Grateful For (And Not)

By Baxter

Sunday evening can be a time of reflection. We cats have had several breakfasts, some play time, a lot of naps, and two big dishes of minced turkey. It's all so pleasant, that we're lying around now, thinking good thoughts. Here are a few things that are making us happy tonight.

Justin Amash has decided that he won't run for President. Isn't that swell? Not that we thought he'd make a super-serious dent in the vote come November, but come on — now's not the time for third-party vanity campaigns. We're in a national emergency. Heck, it was a national emergency before the coronavirus pandemic.

President Obama's commencement addresses last night really got under Benedict Donald's skin, causing him to go on a Hector-Projector rant today that was more intense than usual. Can we make a recommendation? Trump should spend the next six months doing exactly this: slamming a hugely popular former Democratic President (and watching his numbers sink more).

New York's Capital Region's been given the go-ahead to start reopening. That's our area of the state which, until recently, hadn't met all seven of Governor Cuomo's metrics to qualify. Yes, we know that life won't be snapping back to what we knew before. But come to think of it, who cares? We're strictly indoor cats anyway.

There's one story that definitely doesn't thrill us, though: Joseph LaLima, a barber just south of us in Kingston, defied New York's "on pause" order and continued to give secret haircuts in his apartment behind his shop. You guessed it: He came down with the coronavirus and ended up in the hospital for four days.

How many clients did he infect? Nobody knows. But all this jackass cares about is money he thinks he's owed. "Is Cuomo going to pay me? Is he going to pay my taxes? Is he going to pay my heat and electric? Is he going to feed my family?" he bleated.

Hm. We cats have a few money questions of our own. As in, as a small business owner, does LaLima have health insurance? If so, how much of his hospital stay — easily avoided if he'd obeyed the law — will it cover? And if not, are we New York taxpayers going to get stuck with the bill? Just sayin'. We cats HISS.

(IMAGE: Governor Cuomo took a coronavirus test at his briefing in Albany today. We're not showing you the photo with the giant swab up his nose, sorry. It makes us feel ew-y.)

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