Monday, May 18, 2020

Feeling Expansive

By Sniffles

We cats really couldn't care less if Benedict Donald is taking hydroxycholoroquine or not, but we sure are having fun with Speaker Pelosi calling him "morbidly obese" on CNN tonight. Oooh, that's gonna make him mad.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Let's talk about the 2020 election.

Presuming that Vladimir Putin and the Republicans don't subvert democracy (and there's still a big chance of that), the situation is looking pretty good for Democrats so far. Yes, that's a lot of ifs we just threw in there. But think of it this way: As an incumbent, Trump and his campaign should be talking about comfortably expanding the map for the GOP right now. Instead, it's Joe Biden who's doing that. "I am certain that states will be battleground states that haven’t been battleground states before," his campaign manager said.

Most tantalizing for Biden and Harris/Demings/Abrams/Rice/whoever he picks for VP are: Michigan and Pennsylvania, plus Arizona, North Carolina and Florida. And we haven't even mentioned Wisconsin (admittedly, a real trainwreck these days), and even Texas and Georgia, which, incredibly, are neck-and-neck.

Sure, November is five and a half months away, and things can change. (Also: See caveats above.) But it's great that the punditheads are recognizing the states that are moving Biden's way. It's so much more reassuring than Democrats' narrow-path-to-271 strategy of campaigns past. We'll take it. We cats PURR.

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