Monday, May 11, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Big Fail Edition

By Baxter

Everywhere you look tonight, people are embarrassing themselves with terrible performances and/or bad behavior: Benedict Donald acting like a toddler. Or MAGAts misspelling death threats against Governor Gretchen Whitmer on the Face Thing. As if those weren't bad enough, here are a few more egregious examples.

Perhaps you heard about the restaurant in Crystal Rock, Colorado, that violated public health orders and reopened with dine-in service yesterday. We don't really know why a place called "C&C Coffee & Kitchen" is Coloradans' idea of the perfect Mothers Day treat, but patrons crowded in, with no social distancing and nobody wearing masks. On the bright side, the state has indefinitely suspended the restaurant's license. Justice, if not dinner, is served.

On the same note, whoops! Remember that protest at Wisconsin's state capitol on April 24? Fifteen hundred unmasked teabag types railing against the tyranny of a haircut-less, tattoo-less life? Well, 72 of them have tested positive for the coronavirus. There will be more, of course. It's not that we're worried about a mass infection of the right-wing world, but we do feel sorry for the healthcare providers who will have to risk their own lives to treat them.

Meanwhile, does anyone know what "Obamagate" is? And is Trump flailing around and bleating because the Supreme Court is hearing arguments about his taxes tomorrow?

Finally, the one exception to our "big fail" theme today: The Biden campaign and the DNC jointly raised more than $60 million in April (average donation: $32.63). Think of it: Everybody's losing their jobs in the worst meltdown since the Great Depression, but they're sending money to Joe. If that isn't a measure of how badly America wants Donald Trump gone, we don't know what is. We cats PURR.

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