Thursday, May 28, 2020

"Partisanship Has Grown Deadly"

By Baxter

There were already many reasons to like and admire Democratic State Representative Brian Sims of Pennsylvania, because he's such a champion of issues we care about. But now, this video... well, let's just say that if we cats wore socks, they'd be knocked off.

Back story: After relentlessly pushing to reopen the Keystone State (presumably so Donald Trump can get re-elected), majority Republicans in Harrisburg just revealed that one of their members had tested positive for COVID-19 — and they didn't tell their Democratic colleagues. Now, four Democrats have also tested positive. Others are left in limbo, not knowing if they have the virus or have passed it on to their unsuspecting families.

Sims's fury in this video is so epic, we can't add to it or improve it. But a couple of things stand out:
  • His point about gerrymandering is huge. If you don't believe it just by looking at Pennsylvania, check out Wisconsin. Or Michigan. Or Ohio.
  • Even though Sims — a kidney donor, it turns out — is apoplectic with rage, he still speaks in full paragraphs. Amazing! (And yes, his language is colorful, but otherwise his vocabulary is so much bigger than Donald Trump's.)
We cats are disgusted with the Pennsylvania GOP, and we HISS. But we are smitten with Brian Sims, and we PURR.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

Wow. That was a powerful speech. Love this guy. Love is anger. More
proof that Republicans are, for the most part, amoral bastards.