Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Social Media Odds & Ends Edition

By Sniffles

There are certain fights on Twitter that we cats choose not to get involved in. Well, many fights, actually. Having once been swarmed by obnoxious users, we quickly realized that life was too short for such nonsense. (That applies to Bernie Bros as well as Trumpsters.)

It doesn't mean, though, that we don't scroll through and shake our furry heads at the craziness there. Here are a few.

The birdwatching black guy whom the now-famous-and-universally-reviled Amy Cooper screamed at in Central Park seems very classy. "I’m not interested in repercussions," Christian Cooper (yep, Cooper) said. “I don’t need to see anything else happen to her." Like him and the Twitterverse, we just wish that people would follow simple rules — wearing masks, yes, but in this case, leash laws. So we don't care if Amy Cooper loses her job or not. But since she's also a dog-dragger, we're glad the animal shelter took it back. Let's hope it finds a nicer human.

Speaking of rules, it appears that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is not going to enforce his own company's standards and take down Benedict Donald's tweets about the dead woman who worked for Joe Scarborough. Pretty craven of him. But it just gives the Morning Schmoes and everyone else reason to continually remind Americans what kind of cretin lives in the White House. And voters are already peeling away from Trump like mad. Has he managed to expand his support beyond anyone but Wall Street and his crazy MAGA base? No, and he's literally killing a lot of the people he has left.

Now Benedict Donald is tweeting away about ripping the Republican convention out of North Carolina. We're seeing a lot of Democratic responses along the lines of: "DOOOOO EEEEET."

Obviously, Trump needs his adoring-crowd fix and is scheming to find a way to make money off it, so two birds with one stone, right? But he'll also lose money in the end. One of the attractions of Charlotte is/was that a convention city's host committee pledges to help the party raise funds to stage the event, and Charlotte has a lot of big employers with headquarters and/or major operations. So how is the RNC going to make up the difference if they move? Just take a big chunk of change off their fundraising advantage over Joe Biden and the Democrats. That would make us cats PURR.

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