Thursday, May 7, 2020

Rules Are Good.

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are lucky to live in a blue state in which the coronavirus parameters have been pretty clear — both for shutting things down and for our (eventual) reopening. Local folks appear to be across-the-board compliant with face masks and social distancing. We haven't run into any crazies outside the pharmacy or grocery store.

But in other states (i.e., Trumpy ones with GOP governors), the situation is more fraught. With no Cuomo-esque guidance on how to reopen, individual business owners will have to shoulder the burden of whether they believe it's safe — for their employees, their customers and themselves. (This is unfair, but that's Republicans for you.) We have the sneaking suspicion that customer turnout will be low. And it could vanish in an instant if infections spike again — which they will.

We haven't even touched on the subject of schools yet. Since society can't remotely consider getting back to "normal" until school is back in, don't expect any progress on all this until the fall, if then. You know, just when the second wave of COVID-19 could be cranking up.

In the meantime: Let's be careful out there. Idiots abound. Two McDonald's employees were shot the other day by customers who were mad they couldn't dine in. A Family Dollar security guard was killed for barring his store to an unmasked person. And maybe you've seen this charming video of a maskless Trumpster screaming obscenities outside a Miami Beach Publix? We fully expected him to draw a gun.

Thanks to the repugnant Second Amendment, we have to worry about our fellow Americans carrying more than just a virus. We cats HISS.

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