Sunday, May 10, 2020

Sinking Ship

By Sniffles

Like their handling of the pandemic across the country, the Trumpsters are royally screwing up their own little outbreak in the West Wing. It's clear from press coverage that they're at high risk in close quarters (White House offices are not spacious), they don't understand what they should do to prevent infections (staying home, social distancing, wearing masks) and they definitely don't understand tests.

Trump is portrayed as being paranoid and peevish, "spooked" that a personal aide had tested positive and "growing irritated with people who get too close to him." At first, Mike Pence, with an aide who now has COVID-19, said he would stay home tomorrow. Then he reversed himself and said he would go in. He seems to think that getting tested every day means he can't have it, so there's no harm in being at work.

Goodness gracious, but these people are a clown show. And this new backgrounder on the Rick Bright whistleblower complaint is just the latest chapter in the sorry saga. Meanwhile, reputable journalists report that the White House infection rate is not only higher than they're willing to talk about, but that someone "very high-ranking" is affected.

To once again cite Barack Obama, it's the entire repulsive Trump Presidency that's an absolute chaotic disaster. The pandemic is just throwing that into higher relief. So, hang onto your hats: The week is already wild, and it's only going to get worse. We cats HISS.

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