Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Trumpsters Are Trying. It's Not Working.

By Sniffles

A long time ago in a galaxy far away, Benedict Donald and his merry band of traitors decided that they needed to torpedo Joe Biden as a possible Democratic nominee. Because Biden was the opponent they feared most.

Just a day or so after Robert Mueller testified on Capitol Hill, Trump — feeling exonerated (although he wasn't, not really) — called up the President of Ukraine and tried to bribe him to dig up nonexistent dirt on Biden and his son.

We all know what happened: A whistleblower outed Trump's perfidy, and the House of Representatives impeached him. Even though Moscow Mitch's Senate acquitted him, the stain remained. But the Trumpsters were hopeful that the Democrats would nominate someone eminently beatable, like Bernie Sanders.

Then, South Carolina happened. That was late February — which, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, seems like a hundred years ago.

So today, here's Donald Trump, screwing up the pandemic response, and watching the economy implode, with Biden heading for the nomination and beating him in a number of battleground states. What's a beleaguered, grifting, criminal President to do?

Answer: Try to hit Biden where he's strongest: His decency as a human being. (Because God knows Donald Trump is anything but decent. He's barely a human being.) Stymied on the Ukraine front, they've tried China, and now they're trying #MeToo. But none of it's working.

Biden's previous verbal missteps seem minor compared to Trump's suggestion that people drink bleach. Tara Reade's accusations are falling apart, reminding people that the allegations against Trump are not. China connections are the ultimate example of Trump projection (see Ivanka trademarks). But more than all of this is the American longing for an end to the chaos — for a feeling of stability, reason and hope.

That's what's going to defeat this monster in November — provided our election is free and fair. We must fight for that, fellow citizens. If we do, we'll have a new President in January. We cats PURR.

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