Tuesday, April 7, 2020

And If Bernie Could Drop Out After This, That Would Be Good, Too

By Zamboni

We cats are apoplectic about what's going on in Wisconsin. To sum up, the Republicans are using the coronavirus pandemic to suppress the vote, and their complicit stooges on both Supreme Courts (state and federal) are helping them do it. If this isn't a preview for November, we don't know what is.

However, from evidence we're seeing on the interwebs, Wisconsinites have decided to say a big "eff you" to the GOP and are defiantly standing in line to vote in their on-again/off-again/on-again/no-absentee-ballot-deadline-extension primary.

This is no way to run a railroad — or a state, or a country. But voting the Republicans' vile, corrupt asses out is the only way we'll save democracy and get back anything that passes for normalcy.

We're rooting for more proof of this voter defiance as the day goes on, and for every Wisconsin voter who decided to put on a mask, leave the house, and social-distance for hours in line at one of the state's few polling places — just to tell Donald Trump and the Republicans to go to hell. It's what we would do if we were there. We cats PURR.

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