Saturday, April 18, 2020


By Sniffles

Now there are two people we admire who have lost nonagenarian parents to the coronavirus: First it was jazz guitarist John Pizzarelli's dad Bucky, and now it's writer Benjamin Dreyer's father Stanley.

But sure, let those MAGAts protest against the stay-at-home orders. Have at it, folks. Catch the coronavirus to own the libs.

We'd be remiss if we didn't point out that there's less to these demonstrations than meets the eye. Many just have a few dozen participants. But the media hype them — because they see ratings in conflict, even in a pandemic. (Note for those of you keeping score at home: More than 5 million Americans took part in the anti-Trump women's marches in January 2017.)

We just hope that when these Trumpy jackasses do get sick, none of them takes a ventilator away from a person of color with underlying conditions — or grabs an ambulance from another patient who tried to follow the rules and just got felled by bad luck. We cats HISS.

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