Monday, April 20, 2020


By Baxter

This evening is the start of Yom Hashoa, Holocaust Remembrance Day. It's a reminder and also a warning.

A reminder that OMG, as crazy as life is in the pandemic right now, it could be SO much worse. If you need any further clarification of that, read this obituary of a 97-year-old Auschwitz survivor. You'll promptly feel guilty: Are you really crabby about having to sit in the comfort of your home with movies and Tostitos and video games?

It's also a reminder that there are tenacious Americans out there who are keeping our trash picked up, our subway trains moving, our grocery shelves stocked, our prescriptions filled, and more, many at risk to their health and maybe their lives. In adversity, the human spirit, both 75 years ago and today, is strong.

And it's a warning — that things could actually still get really, really bad. We have a dangerous autocrat in the White House, who is grabbing all the power he can (with help from Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell), and who is fomenting rebellion among people who march around with Confederate battle flags and swastika signs.

Some things to think about on this solemn evening. Oh, and don't forget to vote Democratic in November. It's the only way we get out of all this. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: The rock that Governor Andrew Cuomo is laying on the tracks to Auschwitz is inscribed "New York State Remembers.")

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