Thursday, April 2, 2020

Non-Alternative Facts

By Sniffles

Our good friends at the Pennsylvania Democratic Party have created this calendar — a handy visual aid you can pull out whenever you need to push back against the Trumpster claim that impeachment got in the way of Benedict Donald's pandemic response.

These are all the days in February — each denoted by a clever little red icon — when Benedict Donald either loafed around Mar-a-Lago, played golf, attended a GOP fundraiser or held a MAGA rally (all on the taxpayers' dime). Also, please note: Trump was acquitted by his Republican Senate lackeys on February 5. Which means he had nearly the entire crucial month to jump on the coronavirus, but did nothing.

Perhaps the only thing more maddening than the knowledge that Trump is going to kill thousands of Americans is his attempt to rewrite COVID-19 history. His brazen lie that "I always knew it was going to be a pandemic" is a classic, but now fraudulent Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is giving him serious competition. Kemp is trying to claim that no one had any idea the coronavirus could be transmitted by asymptomatic people. (Um, Brian, the Centers for Disease Control is in Atlanta.)

This is not a Governor who is stupid. This is a Governor who's duplicitous. Just like his President. We cats HISS.

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