Monday, April 27, 2020

More COVIDiots

By Sniffles

"I don’t believe there are incurable diseases. God can heal anything. There are documented cases of God healing AIDS. God can cause limbs to grow out where they’ve been chopped off. God can raise the dead," said street minister Landon Spradlin back in 2016.

Looks like God has his work cut out for him, because now Spradlin himself is dead.

We cats have no quibble with religious people, provided they're not silly. Yes, we know most are, but many are not. Many actually follow the Golden Rule, love their enemies, and have confidence in earthly professionals like climate scientists, doctors and epidemiologists.

But boy, the silly ones sure do wear us out. Like this Spradlin dude, who went to New Orleans to proselytize at Mardi Gras, picked up COVID-19, and promptly checked out. Naturally, he was a big Trump fan who thought the coronavirus pandemic was a bunch of hooey. We wonder if he had health insurance. If he did, did he get it through Obamacare? And if he didn't, how much did his hospital bill cost us all?

This irritating story is only topped by the "Reopen North Carolina" organizer who just revealed that she has the virus and is in quarantine. Gosh! The only thing dumber than staging those protests is destroying your own message by announcing that you've tested positive. You just can't save these people from themselves, can you? We cats HISS.

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