Friday, April 24, 2020

Look For The Helpers

By Hubie and Bertie

Governor Andrew Cuomo continues to educate and inspire Americans with his daily briefings (unlike somebody we know).

Because Andrew Cuomo doesn't riff or tell his constituents to drink bleach. He doesn't employ the cherished Republican tactic of making sweeping, stupid generalizations — like "all Democrats are socialists" or "unemployment insurance discourages work" — and then getting all umbrage-y when the lies are pointed out. No, Andrew zeroes in on a simple, reasonable question and then picks it apart with a scalpel.

Responding to Mitch McConnell's buffoonish suggestion that states declare bankruptcy, Cuomo gets to the heart of the matter: The states need federal support to pay for crucial services. "How do you not fund police and firefighters and teachers and schools in the midst of this crisis?" he asked.

This funding question has been a bone of contention between the two parties going back to the days of Reagan (who did more damage to this country than people often realize). It's a shame that it's taken 50,000 dead Americans to elevate it into the national conversation in a penetrating way, but at least, thanks to Trump's idiocy and Cuomo's brilliance, we're talking about it now. And maybe folks will keep it in mind come November.

If you're feeling wildly depressed about all this (we are), it's good to remember that not all Americans are cold-blooded vipers like Moscow Mitch. Today, Cuomo saluted a retired Kansas farmer who sent him an N95 mask to give to a doctor or nurse on the New York front lines. The man's wife is medically compromised and vulnerable to the coronavirus, but they wanted to share one of the five masks they had in their stash.

It's also great that the guy was from Kansas. We cats PURR.

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