Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Ralph Northam, Wild-Eyed Commie Lib

By Zamboni

If we cats weren't so happy with Andrew Cuomo (*sigh*) and with being just a few hours away from the Canadian border, we'd consider moving back to Virginia. That's right — kick out that nice couple who bought our old house in Manassas and enjoy the crazy hippie commune that that left-wing extremist, Ralph Northam, has allowed the Old Dominion to become.

Wait a sec — we thought Ralph was a mild-mannered pediatrician with no chin who may (or may not) have posed in blackface for his med school yearbook. And no, we still can't get over the fact that med schools have yearbooks, but we digress.

Our point is that Northam has always been known for his moderate Democrat-ness. But look at all the cool stuff he's gone and done:

Made Election Day in Virginia a state holiday. And he took away an outdated Confederate holiday to do it. WE LOVE THIS.

Eliminated the photo ID requirement at the polls and extended poll closings on hour, from 7 PM to 8 PM.

Expanded early voting. (Yes! No more need for tortured "I can't vote on Election Day" excuses.)

Signed into law protections for LGBTQ Virginians and instituted gun background checks.

Imagine! All these fabulous steps to making Virginians' lives safer, better and fairer. Stuck-in-the-mud Bernie Bros and other stubborn "progressives" should take a lesson here: A vote for the "moderate" Democrat is always, always, always better than a vote for the party of Trump. (And not voting counts as a Trump vote, too.) We cats PURR.

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