Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Even More COVIDiots

By Baxter

Looks like The New Yorker will have to reissue this cover art, except with Mike Pence.

On a visit to the Mayo Clinic today, Pence defended his decision not to wear a face mask. All he wanted to do, he said, was to "look [the Mayo staffers] in the eye and say thank you." At first we thought this was a joke, but as they say, you can't make this stuff up.

Meanwhile, the world is rightfully outraged. Declining to wear a mask is emblematic of so many things: Pence's sense of entitlement. His assumption that he can't have the virus because he's "tested regularly." The Administration's entire approach to the pandemic.

Folks are also deservedly upset with the Clinic, which didn't bar the door to him. Masks have been required there since April 13 — why didn't they insist on one for Pence? They put their patients and employees at grave risk. And why did someone on the Mayo social media team tweet that they had informed Pence's staff that masks were required — and then delete the tweet? Something is rotten in the state of Minnesota.

As for the Pence peeps, this screw-up just reinforces the feeling that they're headed for a massive blowout in November. If they can't get this simple photo-op right, how can they possibly fix the pandemic and the economy in six short months? We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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