Saturday, April 4, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Another Coronavirus Edition

By Baxter

Will the pandemic ever stop? We cats aren't sure, what with Benedict Donald encouraging the NFL to start playing again in September (a bad idea) and the Democratic National Convention delayed until August (probably a good idea). We can consult the science and models and data, but there's no question it'll take a damn long time for this nightmare to end. In the meantime, here are a few thoughts that popped into our furry heads as we perused the news.

Benedict Donald had another door-falling-off-its-hinges briefing today. What financial stake does he have in hydroxychloroquine? It must be something, because he keeps pushing it on people AMA (against medical advice). As for Trump himself taking the drug as he's suggested, we cats say, have at it, Donald: The epidemic has probably ruined any media honeymoon President Pence would get once you're dead.

You know how Trump keeps touting the fact that he shut off travel from China as proof that he acted against the virus "quickly"? Guess again: People are still arriving on flights from China to the US, and are not getting screened when they land.

If the Trump-supporting evangelicals in the South want to gather en masse for Easter services, we say, let them. By the way, do you know how many rural hospitals have closed in the last decade? A lot. Fewer Trump voters is a good thing.

Chuck Todd should rot in hell for calling Hillary Clinton "overprepared" in 2016. You know what, Chuck? In a killer epidemic, with 8,500 Americans dead so far, and the dysfunction and denial of the Trumpsters laid bare, "overprepared" is sounding pretty good right now.

But let's try to close on a positive note: What are some of the silver linings of the COVID-19 epidemic? Well, maybe it will help usher in Medicare for All (or at least some version of it). Maybe the country will move more quickly toward vote by mail. And oh, yes — pet adoptions are already up. We cats PURR.

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