Thursday, April 16, 2020

Still Trying To Look On The Bright Side

By Miss Kubelik

Although it's been a pretty good week for Joe Biden, we cats are feeling a little flat heading into Friday. Governor Cuomo has extended our stay-at-home order until mid-May, and Benedict Donald is getting free political-rally airtime that the Fairness Doctrine would have damn well rectified if Ronald Reagan hadn't scuttled it.

On the other hand, look at this photo of Los Angeles and how clean the air is. Isn't it gorgeous? And isn't it plain that human beings are the scourge of the planet? With nobody commuting to work or flying anywhere any more, Mother Earth gets a chance to breathe.

On top of that, it appears that the meat-packing industry is taking a hit from the coronavirus, which means that beef shortages could follow soon. Maybe the pandemic will give humans the chance to re-evaluate the destructive ways they live. Meanwhile, it can't be a bad thing for their health if they ingest less red meat.

And the recent crash in oil prices, experts have speculated, could further prod drilling companies to turn their focus to low-carbon energy technologies instead.

Hey, we're just looking for those silver linings. Mainly because we don't know how anything is going to even inch back to normal without those damn tests. We cats HISS.

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