Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A Chyron For The Ages

By Miss Kubelik

Aside from the fact that he's a raging sociopathic narcissist, we cats couldn't imagine what inspired Benedict Donald to indulge in this pathetic public display of self-pity at the same time the COVID-19 death toll crossed 150,000. But he did.

Maybe he saw this news from the Nate Silver kids over at FiveThirtyEight: "Voters Are Starting to Doubt Trump's Re-election Chances: Voter expectations and election betting markets suggest that Americans increasingly view Joe Biden as at least an even bet to win in November. None of this means Biden will actually defeat Trump, but these shifts do suggest that the conventional wisdom is catching up to what the state and national election polls have been telling us about the race...these indicators are all starting to coalesce around the idea that Trump is a real underdog to win reelection."

Except — gosh, Trump doesn't read articles like this. And his aides don't show him unfavorable polls. In fact, they make up sunshiney ones. So who knows why he was one step away from eating worms today?

Two thoughts on Biden's current lead: 1) Polls aren't predictions — they're information. 2) As burned as we all feel by 2016, one election does not negate current data. We cats will take it, and we PURR.

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