Friday, July 31, 2020

"There Is Progress On The Other Side"

By Sniffles

This was John Lewis's last public appearance — visiting Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, DC. The photographer who was asked to record it brought along his wife and small daughter. What an experience. What a privilege, for everyone who was there that day.

The photographer said he would tell his daughter when she grew up that there is always hope, if Americans who care can endure the hardships and challenges that John Lewis did. We'd like to think that Congressman Lewis took comfort and inspiration from the assertiveness that DC Mayor Muriel Bowser showed, when she had the words that Donald Trump hates painted on the street that leads to the White House.

That is badassery to the nth degree — which Lewis obviously loved ("good trouble"), and which mayors across the country have emulated since Bowser took that first, audacious step.

Yes, John Lewis took comfort in the fact that many white people across the country have marched in support of BLM. But we also need to pause for a moment to salute Muriel Bowser, a persistent woman who set the mayoral standard in 2020. Good job, MB! We cats PURR.

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