Friday, July 10, 2020

Goodbye, Goya?

By Baxter

In previous lives, we cats lived many years in Miami, which means that we developed an affinity for Goya foods. Our humans, in fact, pride themselves on having mastered the preparation of Goya yellow rice — with just the right combination of olive oil, the perfect pan, and the right flame on our Thermador range.

Alas, it appears we must kick all this into the basura can. "We are all truly blessed to have a leader like President Trump," said Goya CEO Robert Unanue in the Rose Garden the other day.

WHUT!?!?! No way! All those boxes of rice and cans of black bean soup must now be shunned? Apparently, yes — since a furious backlash is now underway. And, as you'd expect, there's a furious backlash to the furious backlash. Thus goeth the modern American cancel culture.

We cats have decided to stay out of the line of fire. After all, our humans have multiple boxes of Goya rice in the pantry, and we need to see how all this plays out. But Ana Navarro probably had the best response to the brouhaha: "Hell," she tweeted, "I never thought I'd see the day when a bunch of Trump-loving, immigrant-bashing, build-a-wall-to-keep-the-brown-invasion-out nationalist types would be out there fighting in defnse of frijoles and adobo." We cats PURR.

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