Thursday, July 2, 2020

No-Brain Cain

By Zamboni

Today is July 2, which means that it was 12 days ago that 6,200 morons gathered — without masks or social distancing — for Benedict Donald's flop of a "show" in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They say that after the coronavirus infects you, symptoms can show up in about two weeks.

And guess what? Herman Cain, who stupidly attended the Tulsa rally without protection, is in the hospital now with COVID-19. See how that works? Thoughts and prayers, Hermie.

Meanwhile, just to the south, Texas is exploding with COVID. They're up to 175,000 cases, around 8,000 a day. It's so bad that right-wing Governor Greg Abbott has now ordered everyone in counties that have more than 20 coronavirus cases to wear face masks in public. (Yes, there are plenty of loopholes in his order, but it's quite a one-eighty from before — when Abbott actively forbade localities from mandating masks themselves.)

As if that weren't enough, the Texas Republican Party will hold its 2020 state convention July 16-18 in Houston, which has the highest number of coronavirus cases (and deaths) in the Lone Star State. The county parties have been meeting since spring. Between those county conventions, Houston and the Trump COVID-fest in Tulsa, the Republicans are hosting a bunch of super-duper spreaders.

They are all idiots, and Herman Cain is just the latest example. Do Republicans not understand that their supporters can't vote for them if they're dead? On the other hand, if that's the way they want it, we won't stand in their way. We cats HISS.

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