Monday, July 6, 2020

Tearing Down Statues, Tearing Trump Out

By Baxter

Now who's erasing history? After a weekend that Benedict Donald spent carping and moaning about people pulling down Confederate statues and monuments, FOX "News" has just had to apologize for cutting Trump out of this photo with Jeffrey Epstein. "We regret the error," they said blandly, as if copping to a spelling mistake.

(Curiously, they left Melania in. Hmmmm.)

We didn't think there could be anything more ridiculous than a dude from Queens screaming about Southern "heritage," but FOX is giving it the old college try. It would be funnier if the whole Epstein saga, with its underage rape and festering corruption, weren't so serious. It's at the top of the list of "Things About Trump That We'll Find Out Later And That Will Make Us Hack Up Endless Hairballs." Like that creepy video of Trump and Epstein partying at Mar-a-Lago in 1992 — we have no idea why that hasn't gotten more attention.

FOX said the photo crop was a whoopsie, but please. This entire cast of Trump characters — its White House, political appointees, departments and agencies, media enablers, and run-of-the-mill MAGAts who insist on denying reality — spend their days fomenting, and wallowing in, obfuscations and lies. Surely one of the factors that will drive Americans to the voting booth in November will be a mad desire to return to honesty and transparency. We can't wait.

In the meantime, let's all brace ourselves: The release of Mary Trump's book has been moved up. We cats HISS and PURR at that same time.

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