Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Two Birthdays And An Ad Buy

By Baxter

We cats had a momentary scare this morning when we saw Olivia de Havilland trending on Twitter. We're still reeling from the news about Carl Reiner — was it possible we'd lost Olivia, too?

And then we remembered: It's her birthday. Happy 104th, Dame O!

July 1 is also Canada Day, so we're wishing our Canadian friends a wonderful, socially distant 153rd. Meanwhile, on this side of the border, we're grappling with so much news that we're on sensory overload (coronavirus, Black Lives Matter, the economy, you name it). So we've decided to just focus on one topic for now: Trump in the dumps.

How deep in the dumps? One measure is their recent $18 million advertising buy in Ohio. It's part of an overall $80 million buy that also includes Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — all states where Trump is under water. The Ohio expenditure is the second-biggest in the group, after Florida.

It's amazing. Shouldn't a triumphant Benedict Donald be focusing on expanding the map? Instead, he's playing defense, and in Ohio, that's pretty shocking. Trump won the Buckeye State by eight points in 2016! And the Trumpsters had been boasting that they'd not only hold their wins but also look to flip states like New Mexico, Colorado, New Hampshire and Minnesota in 2020. How embarrassing.

The Trump campaign has a lot of money — but the rules of allocation of scarce resources still apply. Having to defend states they won in blowouts last time around means there's that much less cash left to spend on picking up others. And Joe Biden, who's been fundraising well lately, has additional help from groups like The Lincoln Project, Republican Voters Against Trump and VoteVets.

Maybe Brad "Weird Beard" Parscale should fear for his job after all. And maybe, if Dame Olivia survives to celebrate her 105th, she'll do so with a different crowd in the White House. We cats PURR.

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