Saturday, July 4, 2020


By Sniffles

Do you participate in the website "Next Door"? We cats have found it helpful, both in Northern Virginia and here in Upstate New York. It's neighbors talking to other neighbors, recommending small business owners, connecting with each other for landscapers, dog walkers, baby sitters, house cleaners, etc. America at its best, yes?

Tonight, though, someone on our local Next Door thread has complained that his Trump flag had been stolen. "Have good video," the Trumpster threatened. "Bring it back tonight and we won't turn [the video] over to the police."

To which we cats responded, "Suggestion: Fly the American flag instead."

We won't bore you with the responses, but be assured that most of them came down on the side of the Stars and Stripes. We're having a subdued Independence Day, what with the pandemic and all. But we're also sensing that folks are waiting — not just for a non-pandemicky Fourth of July, but for a Fourth that can boast a President who's a normal human being (instead of a sociopath).

The Trumpsters may not like to hear this, but the American flag encompasses everybody who lives under it — black, white, brown, native, immigrant, male, female, gay, straight, cis, trans, whatever. The story of the United States can be boiled down to two words: "Who's next?" What group of people will be next enfolded in the rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution? We all must work very hard to keep expanding that list. In the meantime, we cats PURR.

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