Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Hot Off The Press

By Zamboni

Here is former GOP operative and current Lincoln Project lad Rick Wilson, getting his first look at the Mary Trump tell-all that her wretched family tried to stop.

We're not planning to buy it, even though it could be a nifty way to irritate Benedict Donald. But all the juicy bits will be reported in the press anyway, and a nice person we follow on Twitter is thinking about live-tweeting it as she reads. Fun!

All of which means that although it's only Tuesday, it's possible that Trump has already lost the week. There is a finite number of weeks left to make up the ground he's lost this year — 17, to be exact, until Election Day. To get back into a tie with Joe Biden, he'd have to gain back one-half of one percent a week, every week. To accomplish that each week for four months straight is already unheard of. Niece Mary is doing her part to make it more difficult.

However, nothing in the new Trump book will be surprising. The world already knows that Benedict Donald long ago knocked George W. Bush off his perch as The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived. But it just reminds us why we're seeing so many videos on social media of Trumpy people being hateful and ugly — because their idol is hateful and ugly, and monkey see, monkey do. (The latest is a Costco shopper in Florida, a white guy in a super-patriot T-shirt who threatened an elderly customer after she suggested he follow Costco rules and wear a mask. Dude was videoed, identified, and promptly fired.)

The schadenfreude is pleasant, but it would be so nice not to see any more incidents like that in our Twitter feed. We're sick and tired of the Trumpsters, and we HISS.

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