Friday, March 12, 2021

And He Quoted Hemingway!

By Sniffles

Lots of gaslighting going on today. Alarmed by Joe Biden's high poll numbers and his address to the nation last night — in which he appeared to be reasonable, warm, empathetic, intelligent, focused, realistic and other-directed — the right wing and the Trumpsters are trying to gin up a "thank Trump for the vaccine" campaign.

While the news media seem to be somewhat buying in, the Twittersphere is not. Many tweeps are noting that the Pfizer vaccine was not part of Operation Warp Speed: Unlike Moderna or Astra-Zeneca, Pfizer did not accept federal funding to develop their shot. But the MAGA crowd is hoping people don't understand the fine print.

Want to anti-gaslight? It comes down to a couple of things:

First, if America needs to thank anybody, it's the scientists. You know, those folks whom Benedict Donald didn't miss an opportunity to belittle, contradict, marginalize, humiliate and disparage. They delivered on the vaccine despite all of that.

Second, America then needs to thank Team Biden. They not only ramped up an effective vaccine development and delivery system, they did it 1) after realizing that the Trumps had nothing, and 2) after having been denied a proper Presidential transition. Amazing!

You know what? It's good to have people in charge who understand how government works — because then it can work for everybody. This is the difference between having people in power who don't believe in government, and having people in power who do. We prefer the latter. We cats PURR.

P.S. The Hemingway quote was "Many are strong at the broken places," from A Farewell to Arms. Perfect.

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