Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Hate For Eight

By Miss Kubelik

One look at the suspect in the Atlanta Asian murders and you just know he's a Trumpster.

Oh, sorry — are we being prejudiced against white males, or something? Making assumptions about them on the basis of their looks, skin color, bad beards, etc.? Prove us wrong, Atlanta police.

Entering strip-mall spas and spraying Asian-American women with bullets without robbing the tills sounds a lot like a hate crime to us. It's not really a stretch after you read that white supremacist propaganda hit record highs in 2020, as the COVID pandemic, its economic fallout and Black Lives Matter protests swept the nation. It was the highest level of hate messaging in 10 years.

It's also not surprising after Benedict Donald and his repulsive minions regularly and brazenly used racist terms like "China virus" and "kung flu." And since the suspect was also big into religion, it's pretty likely he heard a lot of hypocritical pro-Trump, pro-gun and anti-"the other" language from so-called Christians in his church community.

Donald Trump has already killed 525,000 Americans. Add another eight. We cats HISS.

UPDATE: Law enforcement is suggesting now that the suspect suffered from a sex addiction. Details to come, but we're not convinced. As Joy Reid just tweeted, "We are learning, daily, the ugly consequences of having had a white supremacist administration, even just for four years. There is more fear, more hate, more danger and more terrorism. None of that is coincidental."

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