Wednesday, March 24, 2021


By Miss Kubelik

Did you get your stimulus check yet? We cats are trying to decide how to spend ours. Maybe the world's biggest box of catnip? A lifetime supply of feather toys? A bathtub full of ping-pong balls? We should all do our part and inject a little money into the economy, you know.

It's unclear whether Joe Biden's name was on the check. It doesn't matter, as long as Democrats keep hammering home the message: Republicans didn't want you to have this.

But "stimmies" are not the only money flying around these days. Perhaps you heard that, financially speaking, the Democratic National Committee just had its best February ever in a non-election year?

This is good news as we look toward 2022, and it happened in the same month that Biden shifted the resources of his 2020 Presidential campaign over to the DNC — including donor and volunteer info and (super-important) fundraising. 

"Top advisers say Biden is not expected to create a committee for his own re-election until after the midterm elections next year," The Washington Post reported. "That means the money he raises between now and then will go to broader party-building efforts and other candidates." And Punchbowl has since averred that Team Biden has transferred $10 million in campaign funds as well.

Now, that's a stimulus we can get behind. With the conventional wisdom predicting challenges for Democrats in 2022, Biden's moves signal to us that he's committed to avoiding a repeat of 2010. We cats PURR.

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