Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Bad Boys

By Zamboni

This is a terrific shirt. If we cats wore clothes, we'd get one. Because everywhere we look, Republicans are behaving so, so badly. A short roundup:

The first news about Matt Gaetz that was swirling around today was an Axios report that he was thinking of bagging his Congressional gig for a job at Newsmax. (Never mind that Rick Wilson has pronounced Newsmax "the Paramus Mall of ex-Trump fluffers.") Then — GASP! — screaming headlines that Gaetz was under investigation by DOJ for sex trafficking. That's what you call a dude in his late 30s who palls around with a 17-year-old. Family values!

Needless to say, Twitter is going wild. Gaetz seems to be losing it, too.

Meanwhile, Madison Cawthorn, the wheelchair wanker from North Carolina, is the latest member of the GOP to brag on a stimulus bill that he and every single one of his Republican colleagues opposed. "Happy to announce," he tweeted, that his district was getting money, going on to cite about $20 million to various health service organizations. "Proud to see tax-payer [sic] dollars returned to NC-11," he preened. What's more breathtaking: the moxie or the hypocrisy?

And finally, hot off the press: G. Gordon Liddy has joined Rush Limbaugh in hell. For those of you without nine lives, Liddy was the misbehaving Republican back in the day — the lead White House Plumber in the Watergate scandal. Perhaps you've heard the old story about Liddy entertaining at a party by holding his hand in a candle flame? ("The trick is not minding," he allegedly said.)

We all thought he was nuts. But considering that the GOP is now home to the likes of Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Roger Stone, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Gaetz and Cawthorn, Donald Trump, and a host of other reprobates, Liddy seems almost sane. We cats HISS.

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