Thursday, March 25, 2021

Operation Badass, The Sequel

By Hubie and Bertie

What was the best thing about President Biden's press conference today? That he didn't call on FOX? Quite possibly. But there were a lot of other best things. Totally best. POTUS was really on his game.

We're liking this Joe Biden even more than when we first opined about him nearly two months ago. This afternoon he announced a new goal of 200 million vaccines in his first 100 days, rightly slammed Team Benedict Donald on immigration, talked reasonably and intelligently about China, and called GOP voter suppression "sick." (It is.) He also chided reporters for asking silly stuff — which happened often — and teased them about their multiple follow-ups ("Am I giving you too long an answer? I don't know how much detail you want about immigration").

Journalists, a word of advice: When you indignantly badger the White House for weeks for a press conference, it's good, when they finally hold one, if you ask better questions.

Astoundingly, reporters didn't ask anything about the pandemic, the stimulus, the economy or infrastructure, all of which affect Americans' lives every day. (Infrastructure includes roads, bridges and potholes, remember.) These folks need to get out of Washington more. Meanwhile, Biden's performance was so boss, you could hear the air going out of the GOP balloon miles away.

After Biden won the election, we noticed he seemed different. Could this be the guy whom we used to watch as he joyfully swore in Senators, horsing around with all the families and having a great time? It was a real transformation. Because now, at age 78, with his ultimate goal achieved, he seemed to realize the mantle of responsibility that had fallen on him, and his manner became graver. Call it Presidential. We cats like both Joe Bidens, and we PURR.

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