Saturday, March 6, 2021

Vote-A-Rama Drama

By Sniffles

Vice President Kamala Harris was spared a trip to Capitol Hill today because Republican Senator Dan Sullivan had to go back to Alaska for a family emergency. Which meant that the Senate could pass President Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, 50-49.

Every single Republican Senator voted against giving the American people what they need to recover from Benedict Donald's horrific pandemic. Funny, they didn't have a problem supporting COVID relief when Trump was in office. Now suddenly, it's a problem.

You could also put it this way: Every Republican Senator voted against giving American families stimulus checks, unemployment benefits through September, rent assistance, paid sick leave, and a higher tax credit for kids. Every Republican voted against aid for small business. Every Republican voted against money for vaccine distribution.

Remember how Trump insisted that last year's stimulus checks have his name printed on them? It not only was ridiculous and small, it held the checks up for a few days. If Democrats were petty enough to turn the tables, they could put a note in with these new checks that says, "Republicans didn't want you to have this."

GOP Senators also acted like their usual dickish selves in debate, offering amendment after pointless amendment. Rafael Cruz was particularly obnoxious, claiming the bill benefited "illegal aliens" (a term no one, particularly Cruz, the child of immigrants, should use). Thankfully he was decimated by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, who not only shut down Cruz's lie, he literally turned his back on him.

That's what Republicans have done to American people. And come 2022, Americans should turn their backs on the GOP. We cats PURR.

UPDATE: Excellent suggestion from the tweeps: Sign Stacey Abrams's name on the checks. We cats PURR again!

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