Sunday, March 14, 2021

Not A Pressing Matter

By Baxter

Have you heard about the whingeing and carping by the media about how President Biden hasn't given a press conference yet? We cats were reluctant to blog about it because we didn't feel like amplifying it. But gee, it's so dumb.

The nation has already had such an upgrade from the Trump clowns — Spicer, who lied on his first day, Huckabee, who wasn't welcome in family restaurants, Grisham, who never once held a briefing, and McEnany, who was lost without her binders — to Biden press secretary Jen Psaki. But even though Psaki meets the media regularly and never reads verbatim from a notebook, they're not satisfied.

No, as David Frum points out, they want to sink their teeth into Biden himself, latch on to a malapropism or a minor digression, and drive the news cycle with it for days. No, thanks. Better that reporters are able to question members of the Administration who are directly responsible for stuff — like the coronavirus team and the immigration folks — so they're motivated to elicit information, not gotcha moments.

Besides, you know that if Biden met the press, all they'd ask him about would be the Former Guy. They'd ignore the fact that Biden has already said he doesn't want to talk about him. "In the next four years I want to make sure all the news is the American people" instead, Biden declared. And what could be more unifying than refusing to utter the name of the most divisive figure in the nation's history? 

Joe Biden is kind of busy, fixing everything Former Guy broke. Give it up, media. We cats HISS.

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