Friday, May 13, 2016

Litter Box Litigation

By Zamboni

We cats are pretty territorial, but we're willing to share our litter box as long as a human scoops it regularly. You know.

So — while we're kinda finicky — we have to say that nobody is more picky than we are when it comes to bathrooms except, um, Republicans.

In short, what is the big deal? We've been in women's restrooms that are being cleaned by men, and in men's restrooms that are being cleaned by women. We fail to see how transgender people using whatever restrooms suit them would cause any problems. Indeed, we are sure that transgender people have used restrooms without incident. Until North Carolina Republican Governor Pat McCrory decided otherwise.

Our biggest objection on the bathroom issue? It's to Republicans who run as "moderates" one year — but who, once elected, turn out to be the biggest right-wing assholes you could imagine.

Exhibit A: Pat McCrory. May no more US states fall prey to charlatans like him. We cats HISS.

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