Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Lie So Bad, It's Sick

By Sniffles

Republicans believe that Americans are stupid. Like, really dumb-ass stupid. Let's hope Tuesday doesn't prove them right.

We're fretting about this a bit because — just as Open Enrollment for the Affordable Care Act has begun — the GOP is lying, lying and lying some more about Obamacare. They're lying so much that clearly they believe (despite the Beltway punditheads' bored skepticism) that healthcare is the topic most on people's minds as they head to the polls.

Specifically, they're lying about pre-existing conditions — claiming they've fought, and will fight, to keep insurance companies from denying you coverage for same.

That's a pretty bold lie, the kind that will get these pious Republicans in a passel of trouble with Jesus. Because right now they're suing to end those very pre-existing protections. (That's on top of the dozens and dozens of times they've voted to repeal Obamacare entirely.)

We cats have never seen such mendacity. We can only keep our paws crossed that voters won't fall for it. If they don't, we will PURR.

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