Thursday, November 29, 2018

Oh, Please.

By Miss Kubelik

These Virginia Republicans are hilarious. Actually, we don't mean that in a good way. We cats would laugh, except that we're hacking up multiple hairballs.

Defeated white dude Scott Taylor in Virginia Beach is whining that he was ousted from office on November 6 because Republicans — wait for it — embraced extremism and Donald Trump.

"Women said to me, 'I like you, but I've been waiting two years to do this,'" he bleated, having lost his Congressional seat in Virginia-02 to Democrat Elaine Luria. Taylor also blamed the state party's nomination of right-wing nutcase Corey Stewart, who ran unsuccessfully against Senator Tim Kaine.

Gosh! We had no idea that Scott Taylor had spent the last two-plus years campaigning vigorously against Benedict Donald, white supremacy, and all the other hideous ideologies and policies that his party had not only accepted but championed. We didn't have a clue that he'd commiserated with his outraged constituents so forcefully about their anger and frustrations. We can see why he'd be mad.

Wait — he didn't? He just stood by and let the haters and the Trumpsters take over his party, without a peep? Well, then, Scott Taylor can go f... you know the rest. We cats HISS.

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