Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Business Model

By Sniffles

We cats are not atheists — because, ahem, we are gods, and we know it. But we've always scorned the evangelical community. Their narrow views of humanity, their intolerance and their money-grubbing hypocrisy all go directly against the teachings of Jesus. (We're sure we've missed something in that laundry list, but you get the idea.)

And there's probably nobody we despise as much as Donald Trump. He is so obviously a lout, a cheat and a misanthrope — one wonders how supposedly religious people can support him. Is it that important to them to control women by ending abortion? (Answer: Yes.)

But there's another reason that Bible bangers like Franklin Graham and Bryan Fischer adore Benedict Donald. They have so much in common.

Consider how Michelle Goldberg describes Trump in today's New York Times: "Donald Trump has failed at most things he's tried to do in life, with the crucial exception of selling himself as a success...as a self-marketer, Trump is peerless. He convinced people that he was a self-made tycoon despite receiving at least $413 million in today's dollars from his father, much of it...through legally dubious tax dodges. He was cast a paragon of business acumen on 'The Apprentice' when most banks refused to lend to him. And then, to America’s enduring disgrace, he was able to use his fictional reality-TV persona as a steppingstone to the White House."

Trump sells himself the same way evangelicals market the Lord. He and Graham, Fischer, Pat Robertson, Tony Perkins and all the other Jesus-y grifters are in the same business: swindling people. We cats (gods) look down from our lofty perches and HISS.

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