Friday, November 30, 2018

A Tale Of Two Standards

By Hubie and Bertie

Paul Ryan is an abject failure as Speaker of the House. Even he admits it. "Two regrets I wish we could have gotten done," he bleated recently: comprehensive immigration reform and reducing the national debt.

Gosh! If only somebody like Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, could have done something about those! Everything would be better now.

Ryan has so many black marks against him, and yet the media have — for years, now — undeservedly treated him like a thoughtful, forward-looking policy wonk. When in reality he's nothing but a soulless, cruel, Ayn Randian idealogue. Why the press jumped on the let's-give-Ryan-policy-chops train, we'll never know.

Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi is the most consequential Speaker of the House in our lifetimes. She knows her caucus, knows how to manage it, and makes huge policy history with legislation like the Affordable Care Act. (Yes, all you opioid-addicted West Virginians: You have Obamacare thanks to Nancy Pelosi.) And Pelosi is poised to assume the office again, to protect the nation against the ravages of the Trumpsters.

Yet the media never give her her due. She's too old, she's a poor public speaker, she has rebellion in her ranks, etc., etc., etc.

Ryan's the policy prince, while Pelosi's the doubted one? Please — we're so sick of this. Nancy Pelosi is a woman who is damn good at her job — and the fact that she doesn't get recognized for that is really starting to piss us off. We cats HISS.

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