Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Ding Dong, The Witches Are Dead (And Almost Dead)

By Baxter

So the incompetent racist, Cindy Hyde-Smith, survived not just her own idiocy but a spirited challenge from Democrat Mike Espy in yesterday's Mississippi Senate run-off. But Republican Congresswoman Claudia Tenney has finally had a house dropped on her in NY-22.

Both are dings (if not dongs) in the already battered Republican brand.

In case you think members of the GOP is celebrating the outcome in Mississippi, the smarter ones have chills running down their spines. Hyde-Smith underperformed by more than 10 points in the reddest of red-red states. It's a huge failing, one that augurs well for continued inroads by Democrats in the South. And the hard-core right wingers in the Magnolia State are licking their chops in anticipation of taking Hyde-Smith out in a 2020 primary. Consider her almost dead.

As for Tenney, although she gave Donald Trump a lot of love, it wasn't enough, and she really is dead. So much for Trump's theory that only people who distanced themselves from him lost.

The Republicans' willingness to champion horrible people like Hyde-Smith and Tenney is proof that they are not a party that believes in governing — only in tribalism. No matter how venal and inadequate the candidates (and these girls certainly were), the party will embrace anybody who can march in lockstep. For those of us with enough patience, it will be spell the GOP's doom. Meanwhile, we cats HISS.

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