Saturday, November 17, 2018

When "X" Means "Ex"

By Miss Kubelik

Here's a remarkable photo circulating on the Interwebs these days. It's a big celebration that Capitol Hill Republicans held at the White House with the sociopath who currently occupies the Oval Office. What were they all so happy about? Passing the House's version of the (ultimately failed) Obamacare repeal.

Now, before we explain the big red "X"s, recall for a second that nearly every idiot in Pundit World said that the Democrats' emphasis on healthcare in the run-up to the midterms was misguided.

You guessed it: Every Republican with a red "X" over his or her (mostly his) face in this photo was just defeated for re-election or quit.

We can't wait for that big red "X" in the middle! That will make us PURR and PURR.

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