Monday, November 12, 2018

Questions And Answers

By Hubie and Bertie

With Election 2018 in the rear-view mirror, a few questions are naturally popping up in people's minds. We cats are happy to list them. We also have some answers to suggest.

What's happening with Bob Mueller? Everyone said he'd wait to indict people after November 6 because he didn't want to sway the election. Here's our take: If the Special Counsel is about to haul some Trumpy knaves and fools off to the hoosegow, he wasn't going to do it while POTUS was overseas. (Some folks still observe that politics-ends-at-the-water's-edge rule.) Also, today being Veterans' Day, Mueller — unlike Trump — respects the fallen.

Where is that tax cut that Trump and the Republicans were "working on" and that we were supposed to get in a few weeks? Logical answer: Congress was out of session. Real answer: The midterms are over.

Why don't I hear about the "caravan" any more? See "midterms are over," above.

Why don't Republicans want to count all the votes in Florida and Georgia? Because they're liars, cheaters, haters and traitors. And because they think that only the votes of people who look like them matter. If the Founding Fathers could come back today and throw up over every member of the GOP, they would. Buckets and buckets.

I like that photo you've posted of four new Democratic members of Congress. But what is that strange sound I hear? Republican heads exploding. We cats PURR.

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