Monday, November 5, 2018

Nervous? Join The Party!

By Baxter

First of all, it's okay to be nervous.

Why do you think we cats are so happy we're going to a concert tomorrow night? We bought the tickets ages ago without realizing the date — but since we're planning to vote first thing, we'll be happy to be distracted by a symphony orchestra while the midterm results rack up.

And it's also okay to be nervous because then you'll work extra hard to get out the vote. Complacency is bad. Let Republicans who listen to Donald "We're Doing Very Well" Trump be complacent.

And it's also okay to be nervous because we don't know what the Russians are doing. The reason we don't is that our current government refuses to defend the security of the United States. Amazing, isn't it? But with luck, tomorrow will be the first step on the road to running their traitorous butts out of office for good.

Finally, it's okay to be nervous because elections are always nervous-making. Even if you're feeling the tides are turning your way, it pays to be on your toes. And of course, to vote. We cats PURR.

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