Friday, November 2, 2018

This Is Our Country, And The Haters Can't Have It

By Hubie and Bertie

This morning we cats heard a revolting phrase uttered on cable TV: "Donald Trump's America."

Mind you, we weren't watching — one of our humans was. (He watches so we don't have to.) But we happened to be strolling past and, because our hearing is excellent, we caught the horrendous term. We immediately repaired to a favorite couch to hack up a hairball.

That's because "Donald Trump's America" does not exist.

If it does at all, it is a tiny sliver of ugliness that this country always seems to have harbored but which, until the last two years, had been successfully tamped down or, at least, kept out of the mainstream. It's made up of ill-educated, 50-plus-year-old white men who are bigoted and afraid, and the women they abuse. It is not America.

Nope, America is a place that welcomes everybody, allows them to seek their destiny, and which — over time, and often clumsily and too slowly — extends human and civil rights to more and more people. The America we know is the story of "Who's next?" It started with white, Christian, property-owning males and expanded to blacks, women, Latinos, Jews, Muslims, gays, et cetera. It will continue to expand. (As Tony Kushner says, the world only spins forward, and you can't stop it.)

The only question now is how badly our America will trounce "Donald Trump's America" in next Tuesday's election. We cats are keeping our paws crossed, and we PURR.

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